DirectionsStep1Look through and pick over the freekeh to remove any debris or unwanted small stones. Rinse well a few times.Step2In a medium saucepan, combine rinsed freekeh with the water or broth in a saucepan.Step3Bring to a boil, and season lightly with kosher salt.Step4Reduce the heat, cover, and simmer over low heat until the grains are tender and slightly chewy, anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes. (ours will take around 35 minutes because it is wholegrain freekeh)Step5Drain any remaining water and fluff the freekeh with a fork.Step6Transfer to a serving bowl and add chopped parsley for garnishIngredientsIngredients1 cupFreekeh Grains2 ½ cupsBroth (or water)add Kosher Saltadd Parsley (for garnish)NutritionalNutritional87 Calories0.7 gTotal Fat17 gCarbohydrate4.9 mgSodium5 gProteinFrom themediterraneandishRecipeDirectionsIngredientsNutritional
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